Your link here:VB Basic Controls
Thursday, July 28, 2011
(28/07/2011) Update
Your link here:VB Basic Controls
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
(27/07/2011) Update
*Note: Those who are all Failed in DBMS ( mark 15 and below 15) , are supposed to write your re-test tomorrow(28/07/2011).
*Note: Those who are all failed in Middleware Technology (ie; mark 15 and below 15) have to write the imposition of 1 time ,that question paper without any choice and submit it on coming monday(01/08/2011)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Java Assignment
we have to submit assignment for Advance Java tomorrow (27/07/2011)
Distributed Computing
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Telephone System Structures
Telephone System
->Make Use Of It
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Computer Networks
- Switching
- Local Loops and
- Trunk
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
*Note: It is must to post comment after see this thread.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
All the Best
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
For (16/07/2011)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
For (15/07/2011) Schedule
All are suppose to submit your Java note tomorrow before 9.00AM
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
ரிசல்ட் வந்தாச்சு
Hello friends,
our II semester result came........pls check your result in the following site
MCA University Exam Result(2010-2011)
"Losers are not always losers,It is a great chance given by God,
" Result Announced by the MAD UNIVERSITY I EVER SEEN "
Last Quote By -Vasanth.K Hater Of Pondicheery University
Monday, July 11, 2011
All must complete your DBMS observation,
*Topic SQL Function those who not submit the observation today ,to be submit the observation tomorrow.
For Training and Placement:
All are requested to put one separate note for T&P class........
*Note:Bring that Xerox material provided for the Aptitude
Friday, July 8, 2011
Simple Calculator using control Array
Calculator form Design
Form Description
Option Explicit
Dim Operand1 As Double, Operand2 As Double
Dim Operator As String
Dim ClearDisplay As Boolean
Private Sub ClearBttn_Click()
Display.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Digits_Click(Index As Integer)
If ClearDisplay Then
Display.Caption = ""
ClearDisplay = False
End If
Display.Caption = Display.Caption + Digits(Index).Caption
End Sub
Private Sub Div_Click()
Operand1 = Val(Display.Caption)
Operator = "/"
Display.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub DotBttn_Click()
If ClearDisplay Then
Display.Caption = ""
ClearDisplay = False
End If
If InStr(Display.Caption, ".") Then
Exit Sub
Display.Caption = Display.Caption + "."
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Equals_Click()
Dim result As Double
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Operand2 = Val(Display.Caption)
If Operator = "+" Then result = Operand1 + Operand2
If Operator = "-" Then result = Operand1 - Operand2
If Operator = "*" Then result = Operand1 * Operand2
If Operator = "/" And Operand2 <> "0" Then result = Operand1 / Operand2
Display.Caption = result
ClearDisplay = True
Exit Sub
Dim intMsg As Integer
intMsg = MsgBox("The operation resulted in the following error" _
& vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbOKCancel)
Display.Caption = "ERROR " & intMsg
ClearDisplay = True
End Sub
Private Sub Minus_Click()
Operand1 = Val(Display.Caption)
Operator = "-"
Display.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Over_Click()
If Val(Display.Caption) <> 0 Then Display.Caption = 1 / Val(Display.Caption)
End Sub
Private Sub Plus_Click()
Operand1 = Val(Display.Caption)
Operator = "+"
Display.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub PlusMinus_Click()
Display.Caption = -Val(Display.Caption)
End Sub
Private Sub Times_Click()
Operand1 = Val(Display.Caption)
Operator = "*"
Display.Caption = ""
End Sub
(11/07/2011) Schedule
All must read the topic up to what he taught in our class.
For Visual Programming Lab all must complete your Observation.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
(08/07/2011) Schedule
Hello guys,
we have test in Middleware Technology.......
1)What is Middleware?
SQL Functions
Oracle Built in Functions
1) Single Row Functions: Single row or Scalar functions return a value for every row that is processed in a query.
2) Group Functions: These functions group the rows of data based on the values returned by the query. This is discussed in SQL GROUP Functions. The group functions are used to calculate aggregate values like total or average, which return just one total or one average value after processing a group of rows.
There are four types of single row functions. They are:
1) Numeric Functions: These are functions that accept numeric input and return numeric values.
2) Character or Text Functions: These are functions that accept character input and can return both character and number values.
3) Date Functions: These are functions that take values that are of datatype DATE as input and return values of datatype DATE, except for the MONTHS_BETWEEN function, which returns a number.
4) Conversion Functions: These are functions that help us to convert a value in one form to another form. For Example: a null value into an actual value, or a value from one datatype to another datatype like NVL, TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE etc.
You can combine more than one function together in an expression. This is known as nesting of functions.
What is a DUAL Table in Oracle?
This is a single row and single column dummy table provided by oracle. This is used to perform mathematical calculations without using a table.
Select * from DUAL
Select 777 * 888 from Dual
777 * 888
1) Numeric Functions:
Numeric functions are used to perform operations on numbers. They accept numeric values as input and return numeric values as output. Few of the Numeric functions are:Function Name | Return Value |
ABS (x) | Absolute value of the number 'x' |
CEIL (x) | Integer value that is Greater than or equal to the number 'x' |
FLOOR (x) | Integer value that is Less than or equal to the number 'x' |
TRUNC (x, y) | Truncates value of number 'x' up to 'y' decimal places |
ROUND (x, y) | Rounded off value of the number 'x' up to the number 'y' decimal places |
Function Name | Examples | Return Value |
ABS (x) | ABS (1) ABS (-1) | 1 -1 |
CEIL (x) | CEIL (2.83) CEIL (2.49) CEIL (-1.6) | 3 3 -1 |
FLOOR (x) | FLOOR (2.83) FLOOR (2.49) FLOOR (-1.6) | 2 2 -2 |
TRUNC (x, y) | ROUND (125.456, 1) ROUND (125.456, 0) ROUND (124.456, -1) | 125.4 125 120 |
ROUND (x, y) | TRUNC(140.234, 2) TRUNC (-54, 1) TRUNC (5.7) TRUNC (142, -1) | 140.23 54 5 140 |
For Example: Let's consider the product table used in sql joins. We can use ROUND to round off the unit_price to the nearest integer, if any product has prices in fraction.
SELECT ROUND (unit_price) FROM product;
2) Character or Text Functions:
Character or text functions are used to manipulate text strings. They accept strings or characters as input and can return both character and number values as output.Few of the character or text functions are as given below:
Function Name | Return Value |
LOWER (string_value) | All the letters in 'string_value' is converted to lowercase. |
UPPER (string_value) | All the letters in 'string_value' is converted to uppercase. |
INITCAP (string_value) | All the letters in 'string_value' is converted to mixed case. |
LTRIM (string_value, trim_text) | All occurrences of 'trim_text' is removed from the left of 'string_value'. |
RTRIM (string_value, trim_text) | All occurrences of 'trim_text' is removed from the right of 'string_value' . |
TRIM (trim_text FROM string_value) | All occurrences of 'trim_text' from the left and right of 'string_value' , 'trim_text' can also be only one character long . |
SUBSTR (string_value, m, n) | Returns 'n' number of characters from 'string_value' starting from the 'm' position. |
LENGTH (string_value) | Number of characters in 'string_value' in returned. |
LPAD (string_value, n, pad_value) | Returns 'string_value' left-padded with 'pad_value' . The length of the whole string will be of 'n' characters. |
RPAD (string_value, n, pad_value) | Returns 'string_value' right-padded with 'pad_value' . The length of the whole string will be of 'n' characters. |
SELECT UPPER (product_name) FROM product;
The following examples explains the usage of the above character or text functions
Function Name | Examples | Return Value |
LOWER(string_value) | LOWER('Good Morning') | good morning |
UPPER(string_value) | UPPER('Good Morning') | GOOD MORNING |
INITCAP(string_value) | INITCAP('GOOD MORNING') | Good Morning |
LTRIM(string_value, trim_text) | LTRIM ('Good Morning', 'Good) | Morning |
RTRIM (string_value, trim_text) | RTRIM ('Good Morning', ' Morning') | Good |
TRIM (trim_text FROM string_value) | TRIM ('o' FROM 'Good Morning') | Gd Mrning |
SUBSTR (string_value, m, n) | SUBSTR ('Good Morning', 6, 7) | Morning |
LENGTH (string_value) | LENGTH ('Good Morning') | 12 |
LPAD (string_value, n, pad_value) | LPAD ('Good', 6, '*') | **Good |
RPAD (string_value, n, pad_value) | RPAD ('Good', 6, '*') | Good** |
3) Date Functions:
These are functions that take values that are of datatype DATE as input and return values of datatypes DATE, except for the MONTHS_BETWEEN function, which returns a number as output.Few date functions are as given below.
Function Name | Return Value |
ADD_MONTHS (date, n) | Returns a date value after adding 'n' months to the date 'x'. |
MONTHS_BETWEEN (x1, x2) | Returns the number of months between dates x1 and x2. |
ROUND (x, date_format) | Returns the date 'x' rounded off to the nearest century, year, month, date, hour, minute, or second as specified by the 'date_format'. |
TRUNC (x, date_format) | Returns the date 'x' lesser than or equal to the nearest century, year, month, date, hour, minute, or second as specified by the 'date_format'. |
NEXT_DAY (x, week_day) | Returns the next date of the 'week_day' on or after the date 'x' occurs. |
LAST_DAY (x) | It is used to determine the number of days remaining in a month from the date 'x' specified. |
SYSDATE | Returns the systems current date and time. |
NEW_TIME (x, zone1, zone2) | Returns the date and time in zone2 if date 'x' represents the time in zone1. |
Function Name | Examples | Return Value |
ADD_MONTHS ( ) | ADD_MONTHS ('16-Sep-81', 3) | 16-Dec-81 |
MONTHS_BETWEEN( ) | MONTHS_BETWEEN ('16-Sep-81', '16-Dec-81') | 3 |
NEXT_DAY( ) | NEXT_DAY ('01-Jun-08', 'Wednesday') | 04-JUN-08 |
LAST_DAY( ) | LAST_DAY ('01-Jun-08') | 30-Jun-08 |
NEW_TIME( ) | NEW_TIME ('01-Jun-08', 'IST', 'EST') | 31-May-08 |
4) Conversion Functions:
These are functions that help us to convert a value in one form to another form. For Ex: a null value into an actual value, or a value from one datatype to another datatype like NVL, TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE.Few of the conversion functions available in oracle are:
Function Name | Return Value |
TO_CHAR (x [,y]) | Converts Numeric and Date values to a character string value. It cannot be used for calculations since it is a string value. |
TO_DATE (x [, date_format]) | Converts a valid Numeric and Character values to a Date value. Date is formatted to the format specified by 'date_format'. |
NVL (x, y) | If 'x' is NULL, replace it with 'y'. 'x' and 'y' must be of the same datatype. |
DECODE (a, b, c, d, e, default_value) | Checks the value of 'a', if a = b, then returns 'c'. If a = d, then returns 'e'. Else, returns default_value. |
Function Name | Examples | Return Value |
TO_CHAR () | TO_CHAR (3000, '$9999') TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'Day, Month YYYY') | $3000 Monday, June 2008 |
TO_DATE () | TO_DATE ('01-Jun-08') | 01-Jun-08 |
NVL () | NVL (null, 1) | 1 |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Java Polymorphsm and Constructor Example Programs
Multiple Polymorphism & Constructor's
Make use of it.
Complete the Oracle Observation
Write the Queries to::
1) Create
Write what are the Data types and function in Oracle...
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Todays update (5/07/2011)
2)Complete the Visual Programming Note and Assignments and Submit it on Tomorrow
The Windows XP Boot Process[ Which DLL File Needed to Boot Windows Xp]
The Windows XP Boot Process[ Which DLL File Needed to boot windows xp]
Make use of it.
Monday, July 4, 2011
DBMS Lab Excercise-1
Field Name | Data types | Constraints |
Course_ID | Varchar2(6) | PK |
Course_Name | Varchar2(45) | |
Start_Date | Date | |
Strength | Number(2) |
Table Creation
SQL>create table course_master(course_id varchar2(6) constraints pk_courseid primary key,
2 course_name varchar2(45),
3 start_date date,
4 Strength number(2));
Table Creation
SQL>create table staff_academic(staff_id number(6) constraints pk_staffid primary key,
2 name varchar2(30),department varchar2(30),designation varchar2(30),
3 app_date date,head char(5),
4 basic number(5));
Insert Operation
Table Name: Student_academic
Table Creation:
SQL> create table student_academic(rollno number(4) constraints cst_no primary key, name varchar2(30), courseid varchar2(6) constraints cst_id references course_master(course_id) on delete cascade, admn_no number(4), adm_date date);
SQL>delete from studentacadamic where name='muruga';
SQL>alter table studentacadamic modify name='balu' where roll_no=3;
Table Name:Student_personal
SQL> create table student_personal(roll_no number(4) constraints ran_roll_no primary key,
SQL>delete from student_personal where name='RGCET';
SQL>alter table student_personal modify name='raja' where roll_no=1;
Todays update for (05/07/2011)
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Monday (04/07/2011) Schedule
* Vb observation: Complete and submit "properties of vb tools" and "Other program he given in the work"
* For Vb Assignment ,all should write in classwork note.
* All should write the assignment in Unique color, We choose vi-lot color pen.
* All are requested to use that color pen for the VB Assignment.
Test :
* All are requested to get ready to face the Oral test in Computer Networks.
Windows Components and Difference Between Event Driven and Control driven
Make use of it.